Github 学生包申请

GitHub Student Developer Pack - The best developer tools, free for students.


There’s no substitute for hands-on experience, but for most students, real world tools can be cost prohibitive. That’s why we created the GitHub Student Developer Pack with some of our partners and friends: to give students free access to the best developer tools in one place so they can learn by doing.

GitHub 为学生提供学生包优惠,内含很多开发者工具,对经济不太富裕的学生很有帮助:

  • AWS educate, Student Developer Pack members receive $15 in bonus AWS credits for a total of $50-$115;
  • DigitalOcean, $50 in platform credit for new users;
  • DNSimple, Personal hosted DNS plan (normally $5/month) for one year;
  • GitHub, Unlimited private repositories (normally $7/month) while you are a student.
  • Microsoft Azure cloud services, Microsoft Azure, Visual Studio Community 2015 and the rest of the Microsoft developer tools while you’re a student;
  • Namecheap, One year domain name registration on the .me TLD (normally $18.99/year);
  • Namecheap, One year SSL certificate (normally $9/year);


Steps to apply

Step 1. Create your personal account in GitHub

GitHub Account Sign Up:
如果已经有 GitHub 账户,可以跳过此步骤。

Step 2. Get your pack

学生包申请网址:GitHub Student Developer Pack
点击按钮 Get your pack,进入申请页面。申请需要身份认证(两种认证方式任选一种):

  • 学生邮箱认证,简单方便,安全系数高,成功概率低;
  • 学生证件认证,复杂繁琐,安全系数低,成功概率高;


如果你有学校 edu 邮箱,可以添加进个人邮箱,以认证学生身份。此方法由于被部分国人频繁使用,造成 GitHub 对 edu 邮箱的不信任,因此成功率可能较低。


如果没有学校 edu 邮箱,或学校邮箱申请失败,可以通过上传学生证件照来认证学生身份。

  1. 在纯色背景(白色最佳,例如在 A4 打印纸上)拍摄学生证件,具有明确学校名称,日期,姓名等。

  2. 附上关键部分的英文翻译,可参考网上模板(出国留学者经常需要翻译学生证件):

     Postgraduate Certificate
     Student No:
     Date of admission:
     Date of issue:
  3. (可选)身份证 ID 建议打码并在图片角落注明打码原因。

  4. (可选)学生证件照片添加签注(在证件头像附近添加,保证难以 PS 掉),以防他用。

     Apply for GitHub Student Developer Pack.

Step 3. Waiting for a response email

大概一周时间内,你的 GitHub Primary Email 就会收到一封 GitHub 的回复邮件,成功申请的回复如下所示:

Welcome to the Student Developer Pack

Hey XXXXX (Sean Guo), we have some awesome news

We've upgraded you to a plan with unlimited free private repositories, which will be free for the next two years.
After that, you'll get an email saying that your coupon is expiring.
You can reapply for another coupon if you still have academic status.
We don't have any collaboration limits, so any group projects you may encounter can be hosted via your account.

部分优惠将持续两年时间(例如 GitHub unlimited free private repositories),而且到期以后,如果你还是学生,就可以再次申请!
此时可以打开优惠页面: ,可以看到所有已经开通的优惠信息。

Have an Octotastic day!


One more thing…

DigitalOcean 是一家性价比极高的 VPS 服务商。最低的套餐是 5 刀的 VPS 套餐,我现在就是用的这一款(512 MB Memory / 20 GB Disk / SFO1 - CentOS 6.7 x64)。
获得的 GitHub 包中有 DigitalOcean $50 的优惠码,也就是说,使用最便宜的 VPS ($5/month) ,你可以免费使用10个月的VPS!VPS 有以下好处:

  • 搭建在国外的 VPS,可以快速下载国外的软件源或资源,因此可以将 VPS 作为你的云端开发机。
  • 搭建在国外的 VPS,可以配置代理,代理你的一切上网流量,可以更好的进行科研工作。
  • 善用 VPS 快照功能,快速搭建开发环境,遇到问题可以快速回滚。

不过提供的 $50 优惠码,是 **”$50 in platform credit for new users”**,如果你还没有注册 DigitalOcean 账户,可以通过以下网址注册:

  • 我的推广链接,注册的 DigitalOcean 帐号可以立刻获得 $10,即可以免费体验2个月VPS;并且你在 DigitalOcean 上进行消费,我也会获得一些优惠!
  • 官方注册链接,将不会获得 $10 的推广优惠。
  • Shadowsocks配置,立刻在自己的VPS上搭建代理吧!

注册成功以后,在 Billing 页面填写优惠码即可获得 $50。

  • DigitalOcean 的学生包代金券使用教程

    • 不过呢,DO 会需要至少充值 5 美元 才能激活账户,如果你想空手套白狼,其实也可以申请这 5 美元 的退款,但希望你不要这么做。

    • 注意:DigitalOcean 不允许一个 PayPal、信用卡 注册多个账户,否则会有封停的危险。

    • 已经有 DO 账号,无法直接使用优惠码,此时不用重新开一个帐号,可以通过发工单(ticket)向客服人员反映:

        I can not use Github’s Student Developer Pack
        I have used before DigitalOcean products, and now I passed my Github Student Developer Pack, but can not activate my code.
        My code is: e89da76f57f2
        Please help me activate this code.
        Thank you.

DigitalOcean 的处理效率很好,我的工单大概20分钟就得到了处理:

There has been a response to your ticket:

Hey there,

Thanks for reaching out to us!

I went ahead and added the GitHub promo code to your account. I hope that helps you get started with your DO journey! :)

If the support was helpful, feel free to rate your ticket experience!

Thank you for being a DigitalOcean customer, always let us know if you have any questions! We are here to help.

Platform Support Specialist - DigitalOcean